• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 04

Lockdown Love

It was a strange sort of Valentine’s day, the country in lockdown again and the kids home from school. I was trying to find the set work on the internet but failed and finally resorted to my own inspiration. Feeling the love of the family in particular on this cold, grey, rainy February morning, love was an obvious source of inspiration.

Having discussed Valentine’s Day we talked about the spelling. Why not luv mum they piped up. I handed over their tablets with little inspirational messages for them to decipher and asked them to write a little message of their own. I told them love was how I felt about them as I gently brushed Hughie with the pink brush and Maisie with the blue brush and watched their eyes glaze over with pleasure. The brushes had been gifts so I let them choose the colour they preferred, a practical and pragmatic approach.

A work meeting called me and I left the littlies to carry on. I had already decided that after the text writing lesson, we’d have a fun maths and cooking session where we would make biscuits, weighing and measuring, squishing the dough and rolling it out and cutting heart shapes. A perfect lesson and with an end reward inbuilt. They looked adorable with flour and icing sugar tipping their trotters and snouts. My heart soared with maternal pride and emotion. We put colouring in the icing and decorated the biscuits with anything else edible they felt like adding. What‘s not to like? Well, I might use double quantities next time.