• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 02
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Living Fallacy

Yes, I choose
Choose not to be blindsided by the facts
printed in the reams of the newspaper daily;
salient facts spoon-fed by the national media
that every man has a voice
a life created equally

When the invisible virus guts this town like fish
bones out the fears seeded in every living soul;
revealing that breath of yours might be the last one
the truth forgotten for years
has finally been brutally told

It tells us that every breath is
indeed a privilege
life is not marked by
the color of skin, creed, and religion;
blinded by the false narratives for eons
breathing the lies is the false supposition

The truth breathing its last
filling the corrugated skies
thick with blood and smoke;
Caught like a deer in the headlights
facing the end of a police gun
bodies piling up the streets
when the protectors start to devour


Living Fallacy

Fear culled in bones that you could be the next
definition of equality
based on the false perspective,
a constant war of narratives;
truth mercilessly hanged
in the hidden gallows of murky politics

That invisible enemy which sits boisterously
on our couch laughs at us
claiming its territory
marking every corner we touch;
teaches us that every man
indeed is created equal

The virus teaches us equality,
that it does not spare the rich or the downtrodden
and does not dispense rights
based on the skin of your color

That it doesn't judge you how your tongue rolls
unlike when the country you live,
suddenly treats you like an infection
and selflessly disowns.

The virus does not discriminate
like a police shooting
the virus does not discriminate
during a traffic stop
it took an invisible enemy of 100 years
sprawling in the hidden corners of society
that it's the colorless breath which counts after all


Living Fallacy

A lesson etched in the folds of history
reiterated and retracing itself
the virus doesn't close the eyes
doesn't blindfold me or you
when the black blood laces the sidewalk of this nation
the nation which is built on the fallacy
that all men are created equal.