• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 06

Lime, Laugh, Love: A tentative discussion with femininity

A winter to spring
A spring to… nowhere
Which painted dress shall today's weather bring?

Could I afford?
Afford could I?
A painted dress
To be seen, in, a painted dress?

Always spring
Spring always
Never winter
Winter never.

What will they say?
See, say, seashells seashells on the seashore
A lovely spring dress
Loose, lilac, long, lime
to cover, to conceal
See sand
Sea by sand

Painted dress
Lady painted
I know you
You? do I know you

Your paint stains
Stains My fingers
Stains My hands
Stains My soul


Lime, Laugh, Love: A tentative discussion with femininity

Even in Winter
Never Winter
Winter Never
Do I dream
Dream, head in clouds
Clouds in head
Of you
He She They

The Painted dress
Dress painted on thy