- Vol. 02
- Chapter 03

Limbs Anonymous
Supplicant arms reaching outin prayer, fingers pointing heavenwards.
Attenuated legs, ballet toes
pointing in the end position.
Calves so thin as to be a victim
of a cruel wasting disease – best left in Africa
Forearms lengthened and stretched.
Strong at least for now, shovelling
up bodies tossed along the roadside.
To be carted away and buried
in communal graves.
Names too numerous just itemize:
Father - Mother
Boy x 4
Girl x 2
Upload the statistics and flash,
dash across our western screens.
This might be distressing to some viewers.
Reach for the cheque book.
Down load the song.
Don’t get too close
Dying – doesn’t take long.
Front line workers, carry on their backs
our collective consciences.
As if their limbs could bend and support us all.