• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 03

Life’s A Horse Ride

I go for a ride and find
The landscape upsets my heart.
Riding in darkness: the lakes of doubts,
Rivers of worries, sea of sorrows.
Will I fall in and sink?
Will I fall in and swim?

I go for a ride and find
The landscape uplifts my heart.
Riding in brightness: the fields of faith,
Woods of peace, hills of thrills.
Will I descend and mature?
Will I descend and thrive?

I go for a ride – sometimes
With an equestrian helmet
And nothing happens.
Sometimes with a knight’s armour
But I bear the brunt of life’s strokes.

I go for a ride – sometimes
Taking the wrong turning.
Yet, ending with a mind-blowing detour.
Sometimes pulling over to the right bending.
Still, starting out for a heart-shrinking mistake.

‘Cause life’s a horse ride:
Long or short,
Light or heavy.