• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 09
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Man: I’m really not asking to enter into a discussion about the matter.
Woman: Hm.
Man: All I’m respectfully suggesting is that you might at least consider the red.
Woman: I’m wearing the gold.
Man: But have you not considered the red?
Woman: I have.
Man: Do you not think that the red is somewhat more complimentary than the gold? It shows your connection to the flesh, your oneness with the community. They are all wearing red. They need a leader who is one of them.
Woman: No.
Man: Of course, of course. But-
Woman: A leader leads.
Man: But I’m concerned. I’m concerned they won’t accept it. If you deny them access to the blood of the snails and the swine they will have their blood… elsewhere.
Woman: I know the risk I take.
Man: I’m just concerned that it could be futile. We must fight from within. This will be too much for them. Change will be too much. Besides, do you not find the gold somewhat… obvious?
Woman: Exactly.
Man: But do you not consider that it makes it look like a done deal before it is?
Woman: I do.
Man: The crown sparkles in the reflection of the blade.


Woman: Nice.
Man: Don’t you consider it to be too much of a gamble? What about the blue?
Woman: I know, I know. They wanted the dead snails. The purple.
Man: They believe it is nature’s law, blaming nature like they used to blame their gods. It’s too much.
Woman: Exactly. Enough, now. Enough is a contagious word. I will wear the gold.
Man: Then…so will I.