• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 05
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I hold him close
and he looks out
across the water
and I wonder what he sees

in winter
when air numbs lips
the water is a mirror
of another winter’s day
the scene
slipped through
the seam of the surface
slightly shifted
to accommodate a breeze
he perches in my arms
and I wonder if he notices

when the sky is illuminated from below
and he cranes his neck to see
at the top of everything
where the mirror has become ink
and ink is diluted
the higher it reaches
behind gold crowned billows

or in spring
when cold no longer
mourns but invites
promise of new life



new colours
coiled in dirt
and water no longer
lies only in lakes
but dances around us
where we stand together
and I hold him close

he looks out
across the water
and I wonder what he thinks
or if he even thinks at all.