• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 05
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In Collaboration with

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This issue of Visual Verse is published in collaboration with Comma Press and guest edited by Comma's Zoe Turner. Like us, Comma Press celebrates the alchemy of collaboration with collections by new and established authors, interdisciplinary collaborations between authors and experts (e.g. writers + scientists), and translation by voices from across the world, including the first ever collection of science-fiction from Palestine, Palestine +100.

Comma Press have twice been shortlisted for the British Book Awards for ‘Small Press of the Year’ (North of England) and in 2016 they founded the Northern Fiction Alliance alongside Peepal Tree Press, Dead Ink Books and And Other Stories. The Alliance is a radical publishing collective showcasing the creativity, diversity and outward-looking agenda that sets publishers in the North of England apart.

Find out more at commapress.co.uk