• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 04
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I Am a Human. Right?

You’ll stick out like a sore thumb
They said. Cover up.
Be careful not to hide your face
Though – too obvious.
And learn the language, be grateful,
Take a little, but not much

Remember walk straight, not proud
They said. Meek is best.
Stick to the gutters, avoid the bus,
Eyes to the floor
And wherever they take you
Know your worth.

Look for a job, but never steal one
They said. Take the worst
But don’t take them all. Earn your
Place but don’t grow roots,
Wait til the bombs stop, then fuck-
Off home.

So step aboard and steady your feet
They said. Hold on
For dear life. Hold on for your future,
Hold on for peace.
But don’t hold too tight. Remember,
You are a human. Right?