• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 06
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Hearts Courage

With an open heart I stand ready
With an open heart I see myself in the wind
I see a reflection that blares red
A song of life
A song of blood
A reminder that we are entangled
We are in a webwork
Created by us all
Unknowing unknowable
Yet the magic remains
As I fling forth circles of light
With an open heart I dance
The sun bright upon this heart of mine
The hearts of all beings
So afraid, so brave
We step upon a red soaked land
We step into a life never imagined
Yet the magic remains
Untangled now we join
With open hearts
We face unspeakable terror
Broken landscapes will not break our love
Love for the broken lives
Love for those who stagger blind
Who push violence as strategy
We know that we live
With open hearts