• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 09
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Head Binder

If I could blindfold you
I’d cut your hair to your nape
puff it out with a back comb
sweep your fringe off to the side
Let it soften the wilderness in your eyes.

I’d paint your lips matt bubble gum
lather them with a high finish gloss,
let your spirit jolt with the pleasure
of every compliment received.

I’d become a surgeon: ease the squint
that comes with your every human interaction.
I’d under crank your muscles just at the shoulder
leave you elastic as exhausted lovers.

I’d hold a fish tank to your mouth
collect all your words, spill them out
onto your notebook, your brain works
better when you just speak out.

I’d make you listen to those around you
fetch them from strength and pitch of their language
instead of tacking flat words on their shoulders.
If I had a blindfold, I’d probably bind myself.