• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 08


This is my house / this is my shopkeeper / my nation of fanciers / these fancy men appreciating / my look.

This is my house / this is my city of bars / my keeper of keys / my lick of the hand that feeds me / is my look.

This is my house / this is my hall of leashes / and sometimes of whips / my companions desultory / rattle makes me look.

This is my house / these are my jowls / my dribble in my bowl / these airy tweets / are above my look.

This is my house / this is my breed / my voice is a bay / my voice is a-wooooo / my hunt is my look.

This is my house / this my brown wall / my pack bays / my red distraction / my nose leads my look.

This is my house / these fancy men like birds / they like the red distractions / watch them / they turn my look.

This is my house / this is my song that bays without my pack / my world is brown / my hunt for red distraction / my hangdog look.

The cats! The cats! a-woooooooooo!