• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 11

Hands Off

Regolith arcs of dusty feeling
Kissing over the scratches on the lune
Burning pink like how scars tingle
When you are remembering childhood

It communicates with liquid spears
(As they cross streams with the moon's tide)
It just wordlessly makes sense
I'm in a memory of snow angels
Before it all melted away

Horoscopes speak of renewal
With the magnitude of the moon's blushing
Like the universe bled on it
Or the gods spilled their wine
At the party where they scoffed stars and whipped each other with astral belts

As a child, I am at the mercy of these hedonists
Who lay down the high speed rail
That obliterates the ossuaries
Where they play voodoo dolls with children
And deform hearts just for fun

But now that I'm older, I've chosen my own god
She's beautiful during eclipse
I do wolfish things during her interregnums
Where I swallow my victims whole and I laugh with big teeth
But the days return to tame me with lashes of light
Domesticate me with father’s wishes
Long gone are the days of snow angels


Hands Off

I returned to mourn
I am just tiny but in the sliver of light
That is choked out by my eyelids
Just before I slip into a snowy dream
I am dancing on the knuckles of my father
His mood ring says Blue
His mood ring says Peaceful

But I feel so Red?

At this time of night, clouds just smear into one
Like the last streak of image
In the beheaded witch's eulogy
Even back then, I was pulsing with something
A vapor of darkness, so tangible
That throbbed like jealousy
Envy, loss, pain

Here's his snow angel
On the full plate of the Moon
With chlorophyll eyes, it shatters into a million pieces
With the introduction of rogue flying objects
I’m moving the ocean in my body
I’m manually working the soul
I am in a state of relaxation
I’m telling the Moon: Hands off!
And I want my Daddy back