• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 08
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Green Hue

The green hue is sparkling
on me and you.
The shades will cover our red eyes
Bought at a cheap drugstore
to hide shame and to party and to count
our dollars in a strange place in the street
that goes unnamed, but not
the fear beneath your shades, and mine
the shock, escaping had never been so easy
when we run to who-knows-where
we can’t hide when we don’t know where to go
and this, we don’t call it hiding
we simply just won’t be found, that’s what it’s called
We hang back
Crepitation. In my bones. Another crepitation.
From your back.
In every breakdown, there’s that odd
almost funny, from experience
Place of calm
we’re vibing, that’s what this is called
This is what we’ve missed out on
When we go back to our dull and
Unpeculiar. Not strange. Not satisfying normal.
Not happy. Unhopeful. Unexcited.
Someday we’ll come back here
An unknown place
We crash to, we go back to


Green Hue

Stretch our spines crepitation
Forget about why we’re all hung up
This green hue will
Remind that time we had an after-something-horrible-happened
Type of fun
The horrible, let-me-crash-in-your-place moments will always begin again
But this
It won’t knowing the both of us
So we bask in this green hue
Of dead street lights
Clothes heavy but such a mood I want to do this again, do you?