• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 07

Glass slipper

'Allo Dave, How you doing'
'Not bad, not bad, bit warm in this get up'
'Me as well, at least that netting will keep the flies off.'
'True, but its hotter than a bakers over under here, not a dribble of air to breath.'
'You try wearing this piece of cloth over your head, the sweats running down my back like a river. And its itchy.' 'Three layers of cloth I have to wear. Next time they ask me to tour in the South of France in the summer I will say Nay.'
'Even for the money were on. Its a good rate. Three silvers a week and all found. And each town feeds and waters us!'
Fred sighed 'I know, I know. If it was autumn or spring I would probably find something else to complain about.' 'Me to. One thing though.' Fred winked.
'You'd be amazed what you can hide under here. This thing has more pockets that a jesters outfit and the sleeves could house Wandas ferret collection with room to spare for a bottle of two.'
'True, look' Dave reached inside his outfit and from a pocket hidden under the arm of his costume pulled out just enough of a leather flask for Fred to see.
'Is that?'
'Yep. The brandy from the last town we were in.'
'I thought...'
'So did everyone else.'
'I've got one hidden in here and another down the inside leg pocket of Capricorn outfit for the Scottish play we do.'
'So we should?'

Glass slipper

'In a second when this lot go on, we should have a moment to resolve our stage nerves.'
'Mine need resolving sorely.'
'Me as well, the water butt is rank and its a half hour walk to the best well.'
Both stopped talking as the waggoner walked past.
'Don't even let him have a sniff' Fred whispered 'it would be gone in a moment'.
'I know, him and the muleteer too.'
Fred nodded.
A round of applause sounded from behind the cloth ringing the stage, both men turned to admire the view and standing almost shoulder to shoulder surreptitiously each dealt with the stage nerves.
A short while later both names were called by the stage hand. They turned and walked to the set for the entrance of the ugly sisters.