• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 06
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It’s the dream you’ve been having for a while… Everything is green in your green dream.

A train whistles green in the distance; people get on and off. You need to depart first in order to arrive. Some can do it without an instrument, or so you've heard, like the green wind forcing its green breath out through the puckered lips in the green trees. You never learned to whistle properly.

You were so in love with life in your twenties. When did life fall out of love with you? Or is it the other way round?

All of a sudden, you hear a high-pitched, airy sound in your green dream.

You’re whistling in the dark if you think I’m going on without you. 20x3 is not the end of the world. Get your ass off the ground.

Anybody there?

I’ve started. You just catch up.

Who’s that?

I’m the only one who’s entitled to stop the match. (Blows whistle twice to resume play. On with the show playing.) The whole trick is to whistle along.