• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 09
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Future Forward Team

Look after the days yet to arrive.
Our experienced team ensure

an arrival of events tailored
to your every need.

Charles measures your wishes and hopes
with Saville Row exactness.

Excellent A.I. Responsive to your every request.
Create a chalk outline of your past,

Take into account the arrival of the years.
Allow the fabric of your future to blend

Seamlessly with the adventures of your past.
Adele will make your coming days sexy,

with an exciting combination of goth girl
intelligence and ground breaking Carnaby Street

And Camden Lock edginess, satirical with complete
lack of deference that cocks a snoop at tradition

show you excitement and thrills to be had.
Please give a Nazi salute to your new companions.

Welcome engineers of your time to come.
Welcome a managed existence.