• Vol. 01
  • Chapter 04
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I have come up for air.
&nbsp I have succumbed
&nbsp but I am lost without you now.

&nbsp You can take me for
&nbsp granted.
&nbsp Leave me searching
&nbsp for answers,

&nbsp to questions that do not exist.
&nbsp I am lost without you now.

&nbsp I am abandoned.
&nbsp I have surrendered
&nbsp to the outskirts,

&nbsp of my heart,
&nbsp while you press
&nbsp onwards to the centre

&nbsp of the square where
&nbsp you occupy
&nbsp and command,

&nbsp my being
&nbsp with guerrilla warfare
&nbsp and my mouth opens
&nbsp in surprise.

&nbsp At your ambush.
&nbsp You have raided my
&nbsp soul and I am lost without you now.

&nbsp Forever.