• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 02

‘Fish Tales’ ~ OPEN ~

Hello, can I help you, sir?
- I was just wondering if you have any new types of fish in this week that are a bit different to the ones you had when I popped in on Friday last week?
What about one of these? Handsome looking fish and... they glow!
- Hmm, yes, I can see that!
We sell loads of them!
- You do?
Yes, they really are VERY popular!
- I see
You do?
- Yes, I do
So you'll take a couple?
- Uh, no I think I'll give those a miss this time.
This time, eh? So you're tempted?
- Er...
I've only got the two left.
- That one looks a bit... you know... dim?
Oh, yeah, but he's been on the go all day! I mean, all that bioluminescence takes it out of you!
- I can imagine! It just looks a bit, you know... er... limp!
No, he's right as rain!
- He is?
Yes, he's just relaxing, preserving his energy, like.
- I'm still not convinced...

‘Fish Tales’ ~ OPEN ~

You're not?
- No.
- No.
So I definitely can't interest you?
- No.
Not even if I chuck a couple of those prickly ones in for nothing?
- No, no.
They've got luminous green eyes!
- So I see!
But I still can't interest you?
- Nope!
Fine, fine... What can I get for you today, then?
- Cod and chips twice, please.
Usual for Stan and Margaret please, Lisa! Next!