• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 04

Fields Back Home Were Never Like This

We are the Tamworth Two
lived our lives in exposed fields
were fodder for a bacon slicer
so had to affect escape.

We ran from a meat transporter
at a abattoir by Malmesbury
slinking through a fence then
swam Avon, the river.

We hid in Tetbury dense thicket
amongst wily foxes, brer rabbits
before carted to Kent into
a centre for rare breeds.

We were written up in red tops as
most important story of the week
had exposés on the box
featured in documentaries.

We live in a salubrious sty now
with a surfeit of fresh food
are visited every day
tourists and trippers.

We are celebs down here with
coats brushed twice a day
hence we purr like a cat from
first stroke to the last.


Fields Back Home Were Never Like This

We play computer games to
keep brain cells active as
graduates of grunt
majoring in pigatromity.

We live out our lives content
safe from the bacon slicer
in hearts of our public for
we are the Tamworth Two.

Tamworth Two pigs – sister Butch (d. 2010) & brother Sundance (d. 2011)