• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 09

Family of Two

Our table isn’t grand
It doesn’t span generations

Or hold many guests
Or huge feasts to share

But it holds enough love
For a family of ten

You loved me enough
That I had no need

For fighting siblings
And drunk aunties

And tired grandparents
And weird cousins

So it’s just us two
Just how we like it

Connected by a string
Of saucy spaghetti

A garlic bread baguette
Broken in two

A packet of microwave rice
Divided in half

A head of broccoli
Sliced down the centre

Stories of our days
Shared equally and easily


Family of Two

Peace and contentment
In equal portions

All enough for two
Just how we like it

Sometimes a guest
At another family’s table

There’s chaos and noise
Laughter and wit

I wonder if we’re missing
Something but

Then I remember
The two of us is just how we like it.