• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 06
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Everything Is Alive

Overnight, the wilderness came to us.
Someone spotted a brown bear.
School's been outside for awhile now.

A brown bear rooting through our neighbor's trash.
Our parents stay shut-in, but out here, everything is alive.
Overnight, the wilderness came to us.

We focus on bugs under glass and 
everything small that crawls on each surface.
School's been outside for awhile now.

Soon enough, our parents' arms will be sore
from the jabs and nothing will matter anymore.
Overnight, the wilderness came to us.

Soon enough, we'll be the ones they shut in.
We hope the brown bear returns before then.
School's been outside for awhile now.

Everything is alive until it's not.
What small things will we track on the floor?
Overnight, we came to the wilderness.
Outside has been school for awhile now.