• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 02
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Eternal Beauty

Your glowing, golden eyes
Illuminate beyond…
Pouring hearts from the rainbows

Wherever you go
The sun smiles, sprinkling tiny fragments
Oh, the moon smiles back—
Shine on eternal beauty

Wherever you may be
Your golden eyes glow forever
Iridescent through eternity
Through the opaque veil…

Sneaking a peek
Of angelic spirits
Going about their everyday lives
Soaring, spinning, singing their la la la's

As the bead of an iridescent tear
Splashes onto the green earth
And love and life blends into
Chaos and struggles in-between blurred worlds

In your mind…
The words overflow
Like faucets with broken handles
But from your mouth,


Eternal Beauty

Blocked lumps in your throat burn
Through to your stomach
A bottomless pit extinguishes
But does not crush,

For you know, those precious lost words
Will ignite and explode
In their own time, even if just
In your mind