• Vol. 01
  • Chapter 11
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It’s allright, Petal. Don’t be scared. I know this is confusing. It’d be confounding for anyone let alone you, a dog. But you sense it, don’t you? You know.
Daddy doesn’t notice, does he precious.
Look at him preening and grooming you to distraction. You look ridiculous. And so sad, you look so very very sad.
But maybe that’s my fault.
He used to do the same to me, before you came. That’s why I’m stuck with this stupid hair and this silly posh lady suit. I’d give anything to be wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but c’est la vie. Or it was.
He doesn’t even notice me here, does he precious?
But it’s okay. I’ve got it all worked out. I’ve been practicing. Going over it in my head again and again.
We’ll wait until dark. When everyone’s asleep. It won’t take too much out of me to undo the latch. I’ve done it a few times already. When he wasn’t looking.
I’ve got the strength now. It took a long while to build it up. Had to smash a few cups and bang a few doors, but I think I’ve got it now.
We’ll have to take the back alleys. Keep to the shadows. We can’t have anyone noticing you. It would raise questions, wouldn’t it precious? And no running off. I can’t help you if you run off. They’ll take you straight back to him.
I know you’re scared darling. But trust me. I know Daddy loves you, and you love him. But what he’s doing, it isn’t right. You are not me.


You believe me, don’t you baby? Mummy cares for you too much to let it go on like this. That’s why we have to run away. We’ll go deep into the woods for a night, and then make our way to the farm. They’ll look after you there. You can be a normal dog there. No more perfume and ribbons and stupid hairstyles. No more hoops. You can run and be free and roll in the dirt. You’d like that, wouldn’t you darling? To be a normal dog? To run and play with the other dogs? He’ll never let you do that.
Just like he never let me do anything I wanted to do.
It’s going to be a new start for you. A better place. And then, when you’re safe, I’ll be able to leave. I will finally be able to move on. Don’t whimper now. We don’t want Daddy to think there’s something wrong. He wouldn’t understand. He never did. He thought getting you would make everything better. But it didn’t, did it precious. It didn’t stop me from taking all those pills and finishing it off with a razor blade. I was ready to go, to leave it all behind. But then I saw what he did, how he treated you, and I knew I couldn’t go. It’ll be the last thing I do, but I will save you.