• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 09
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stripped back to inner workings    all is clear
beauty in defined cogs    lubricated functionality

pity her hardened plates    nut and bolts    wired cables
electric currents    and    precise ratios    tension illustrates
skilled design evidenced by smooth workings
structured algorithms of urges both confined    and contemporaneously set free as synchronised impulses
her bleeps match her desirability with your remainders    integers of your fractured existence whether reductive
or refined    basic or sophisticated    trivial or serious
this womanoid revives old feelings you thought dead

will you accept her implied offer of imploded energy
risk a kiss    tongue her metallic mouth    feel lust freeze
or rise    to short-circuit your chronic loneliness
with all that's left    only such as she

or deny her    let her be    or stroke her shrunken skin
lain neat on your hard bed in a hard hollow