• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 09

Directions and Corrections

I stop the car to ask the way,
the sat-nav’s broke, I’m sad to say.
A kind old lady with good cheer
explains, ‘You can’t get there from here’.

‘You need to make a u-turn so,
back to the main road you must go.
You’ve quite a journey left, I fear.
For sure you can’t get there from here.’

But this advice, it doesn’t suit –
there isn’t any other route.
The signpost back a ways was clear,
this is the road to there from here.

She shakes her head, ‘Sure I would know,
I’ve lived here sixty years or so,
so let me make this crystal clear,
you cannot get to there from here.’

Defeated, with no passage found,
I find reverse and turn around,
then setting off in second gear
I head for there, but not from here.


Directions and Corrections

   *   *   *

The woman waves him out of sight,
then tells herself, that can’t be right.
Now come to think, it would appear
I’m wrong. You can get there from here.