- Vol. 05
- Chapter 03
Diesel Rabbit
Worst car I ever bought, a diesel Rabbit that spouted a smoky blue cloud which was legal, mind you, diesel fumes not a ticket offense (thank you, trucking lobby) but obnoxious to the world so cops would tail me, cite me for driving 26 in a 25 zone, cite me for failure to signal a right turn, stop me for long hair and a FUCK REAGAN bumper sticker (which I challenged and won). It was cheap to operate but finally I junked it as no one would buy it but sometimes I miss the Eighties, the greed decade, Reagan and Kissinger killing peasants by proxy in Nicaragua, the whole ugly passage of glam-rock, Trivial Pursuit, while we were raising our babies in sensuous poverty, a car that went zero to sixty in fifteen minutes when lucky, growing strong kids, happy kids, smart kids, the scent of blue smoke on a cold morning.