• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 03
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Cultiver son jardin: don’t knock it

I tried to make sense
of complexity
and Bergson’s élan vital:
existence before essence
read Merleau Ponty, Sartre J P
Heidegger re. Dasein, Simone de B
Søren Kierkegaard OMG!
found Hegel with his system
like Camus and lonesco
quite absurd
tried Friedrich Nietzsche for a bit
but when nothing seemed to fit
as an existentialist I quit
to howl with Ginsberg at City Lights
where I had the lucky hunch
that that screaming Norwegian Edvard Munch
had painted it.
Never looked back.
Since then I’m with Voltaire
and Descartes’
minimalist simplicity
has suited me:
I just pense
donc je suis
and run a hedge fund money tree
If you don’t like that
tant pis!