• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 04
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Crying Out For Precious Minutes

like a pineapple upside-down cake
you baked at 180C
for forty minutes in your oven
then cried

you engage my senses
you turn my head
you mess with my vision
about perspectives
dark and light

residing from the rain that fell
just after midnight
continuing until the moment
you donned coat and scarf
then ventured along the pavement

to face bravely the elements
to stand, to stare
at bulbous nimbus scurrying
on a frolic of prevailings

while waiting for a No. 31
due seven minutes ago
according to the timetable
page 21 dog-eared, torn
probably a season out of date


Crying Out For Precious Minutes

somewhat like our weather
more erratic by the day
while in your big bag packed
a flask of Earl Gray
a vegan pea pie (no tofu)

and a pineapple upside-down cake
you baked at 180C
for forty minutes in your oven
then cried