• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 01

Come Aboard

Come aboard,
Or shall I board yours?
Mine flies beautifully,
Sometimes sedate to allow
Viewing of this spectacular world;
Sometimes with surprising speed
That will get you to destinations
Yet unknown.
I'm ready to share my journey
With a fellow traveller.
My baggage which took up all the room
Is neater, lighter now
And will not weigh me down.
Be warned I have only enough room
For well packaged personal luggage -
The rest you will need to leave behind,
I do not tow.
I am happy to step
Onto another vessel;
To take part in
Some adventures, not my own -
If we can share the navigation.
I have mostly, solo flown.
Enjoyed the beating wings,
Drifted on thermals
Led by my own compass.
But this ticket I hold,
Embossed with gold
Is worded –
Passage for two.