• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 02
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Cloud Juice

Oh yes, it’s all the rage – the new thing on the block – Cloud Juice. Literally liquid cloud, light, fluffy, but will fill you up. It’s the answer to feeding the world, it really is.

We don’t have a logo, we don’t need one, people just flock to buy our Cloud Juice.

It tastes of blue skies, warm days and cool evenings. It promises to take you away from it all.

Of course, it makes you think about the old days when you could actually see blue sky and white fluffy clouds. You can’t do that now. The oldies keep going on about how wonderful it was, but I’m sure it’s just their imagination. It couldn’t have been that good. I mean if it had been that good, they wouldn’t have buggered it all up would they?