• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 09

Change Up World

When it slurps against granite façades
wormless raw umber sludge, lifeblood-less
glacial meltdown bogs spring up queer
bright green mossland meeting sun, un-filtered
udder nourishment destruction un-foals
all milk takers, no givers, calf-less
Mother Earth drinks her sea, quakes
beneath horrified stone creatures, un-found.
And what of the trees if all life leaves?

One girl sits quiet in her room, candle-lit
she takes nil, wings out hopeful-ness.
One frantic man treks the world over, sharing
mêmes before too late has already gone.

Come on tree-planters, soil-wizards, mammal-whisperers,
Wise ones usurp naydoers.
One + one + one + infinity is us all.