• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 04
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You Can’t Go Home Again

You can't move in again.
Of course I'll give you a meal. Wait here with Howard and I'll make a picnic and we'll eat on a blanket on the front lawn.
No, I'm sorry but I rented your room out to Howard.
The couch is not available. Why? It's just not. You should have stayed in school or at least kept your job until you found your direction.
Tough love? No, I wouldn't call it that. I would call it 'Tough Life" and we all have to go through it.
I can give you money for the bus and a meal and also a stamped postcard so you can keep me posted on where you light.
No. I can't give you your thirtieth birthday check early.
It's because I love you--not that I don't love you.
What about the picnic?