• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 04


After nine months of isolation, I’ve stopped listening to the news. Behind all the paper cut out symbols are family and friends. Its distressing so I…

Press acetone soaked cotton wool against my nails, count to ten and sweep yesterdays shade away, pick up my brush and groom myself

Mother lives not far, yet has been distanced from me for months now. Language has been stolen from us instead we text…

I 🖤 U’s and message forever using infinities symbol ∞ dulling our minds that want to discuss the state of the world and climate change

Last summer we could meet, she on one side of a closed window, confused. While I outside in pain, palm pressed on the glass shared her tears…

Today I will wear red, a dangerous shade for a rebellious mind. Thank you Jenny Joseph my wardrobe provides funeral purple, now all I need is a stick…

Together alone, the pair of us deteriorated, once capable of real scientific discussion we are reduced by a viral storm to gibberish and lies, such as…

See you later baby, reduced to an alphanumeric shorthand that instinct tells me Virginia Woolf would never use, and in an uncertain world is a true lie…

Today I press acetone soaked cotton wool against my nails, count to ten and sweep yesterdays shade away…