• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 02
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Breaking News

A hat is not a home, nor what
Most sensible people sport to display
Their head for topicality –
But here I am. And what of that?

Unhomeliness is all the news
Ever is. When the headlines croak
Of what the duchess did this week,
Or put their words around a crisis,

It's wholly dull, inhospitable
Stuff. In their columns, blunt-tongued types
Chew the daily apocalypse.
And as their readers terror-scroll

Down printed lines or smartphone screens,
They witness all life going wrong:
The workings-out of weak and strong.
In reading through these modern runes,

I learn to see things differently,
And, when I'm done with reading, fold
Up the news that at once is old.
This old hat's home. It's blinding me.