• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 02
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Blinded By The Words?

The words cover my eyes and seep into my mind, weaving a story of who I might be and where I sit in this world, a world I no longer seem to have any control over.

Do I absorb all the words, believe all the stories that others write about me. Or do I rise above and tell my own story?

The way I look, the way I speak, the way I sound gives others expectations that may be contrary to who I am. Contrary to the woman I am now and the woman I want to become.

I am a ‘woman of a certain age’, but that does not mean that I am finished growing. It does not mean that I am fully formed and that my life is over. I go into the world to hear new words and see new things and learn new lessons.

I choose not to accept all the words or fulfil all the expectations the world has of me. I choose to stand up and speak my own words, the words I have written to express my own truth and my own desires and I hope that as I listen to and learn from the world, the world will listen to and learn from me.

I choose to stand up and shine a light on who I am. I choose not to be blinded by the words that others write about me.

I choose to stand up and speak in my own voice.

I choose to teach the world who I am as I continue to learn what the world is.

We journey together in partnership and pain to become more than we are now.