• Vol. 02
  • Chapter 06
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Blessed by this zest for life

It's what she did.
She invited you into her world,
She fed you with inspired positivity,
She nourished me when I felt like I just couldn't be.
She'd take one tiny hope and make something with it.
She'd place all the seemingly insurmountable dreams in a dish, fling in some spice ...
...and there you'd have it!
The journey seemed invisible and you began to taste the dream.

She always found time to feed your mind with delightful, unwavering belief.

And now we're all still eating
But nothing tastes the same
Because she's gone.

(I miss you more than words can say. An aching I cannot say out loud.)

I think.

She'd say 'let's have a glass of wine...or two or three.'
She'd say what are you doing for 'puds'?
She'd say 'get out there girl'


Blessed by this zest for life

And I will.

I'll go through the motions at first.
Keep the recipe simple.
A few random ingredients and ideas.
It'll be like cooking in someone else's kitchen.

But I will, in time and soon.

At first I won't care what the world tastes like for me,
(I'll just wish you were here to share it)

So now,

I feel your zest for life,
I feel you are with me.
Let's have a glass of wine...