• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 12

Before Connotations

Mugs, the lot o' them
No matter how you wrap it up
Stack it up, childhood memories
Adapted, snap fit

Cartoons on Saturdays
Movies and laughter
Each decade not afraid
To enjoy being kids

Dip your cookie in the wookie
Before you knew about connotations
When being extra meant alien
And aliens were prizes

Now, they're just mugs
Different sizes of novelty
Nostalgic cups
Holding loyalty

Saturdays now powered by caffeine
Gleaned by today's teens as trendy
Asking questions about these mugs
Lights us up


Before Connotations

We begin to tell of
30 years of classic animation
Of sending in
Cereal box tokens, to "win"
Eyes glaze over
Realising it's over, we concede
They're just mugs
Stacked to hold memories

Placed to fit, hidden
In the back of the cupboard
Of the recently cleaned
Instagram Kitchen scene

All that is left is adulthood
No matter how you wrap it up
Stack it up, childhood memories
Adapted, snap fit.