• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 08
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“There it is!”
She marked and moved.

Her face was wrinkled.
Twenty springs back,
I saw her for the first time.
The whirling wind was euphonic,
it made my way to hers.
The imprints of her watery legs,
were still on the threshold.

They warned
“She is a witch!”
My mind forbade me,
and the wind swept me back.
She was there!
On the edge.
I peered into her wet eyes,
and thought they had gone insane.

“How can she be something like that...?”
I thought as I crawled back from flashback.
The beautiful rain,
had cursed the village.
The carcasses of animals,
both social and natural,
Were floating hither and yon.



Suddenly it stopped,
and I found the eagles soaring overhead,
as they were waiting,
to enjoy the feast.

“I got the rope!”
One shouted in the slumping crowd.
There she was, the old lady!
Escorting their way up,
“There it is!”
She showed them the way.
“There it is!”
Put your heart one more time.
“There it is!”
Having consolidated the grip, she became
An angel that time.

They reached onto the crest,
And embraced each other.
The lady was lying on the ground.
Speaking through her eyes.
I moved towards her.
She was loosing her breath
They shouted “Don’t move, she is a witch!”
“She is ninety”,
they wondered.
“How she got the strength
to pull us up?”
I took her head in my lap and shouted aloud
“She is DEAD!!!”