• Vol. 01
  • Chapter 10


At Oulu, mysterious days of a solstitial camp
so full of awe and fuss with the midnight sun
that dyes a white sink in hues, brings a soon-gone night to run
through a window. At dawn the goblin Lempo hides in damp

himself for lost short darkness with auroral cool dew.
In bungalows, he betrays people and plays a trick
with a bath mirror in slant light as his eyes, his view
that reflects from capricious expressions, the quick

of the campers who are riveted by the reflection.
They squeeze toothpaste, brush their teeth as if staring at
unseen Lempo who watches their frenzied to-dos that
are traced like sleepwalkers in a daydream, recollection.

And dawn again. With his off-the-cuff wiles to
get amnesia, their retreat is over. Here lies a
collage of tap running, things left behind in ice blue.