• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 11
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Astro Feel

It was a tsunami of colors one day,
And then the next those vibrant hues were gone.

The world had become devoid of color.

Like the Libra,
We lost what makes us kind,
And extroverted.

Like water it washed away,
And in came the water bearer.

It’s the age of aquarius.
We endure the chaos,
No excitement,
No enjoyment,
No hope.

We cling to the cuts of confusion,
To the fear of steep declines.

But what if?

We became the water bearer,
Let go of the veil that protects us,
And felt the pains of life flow through us,

Then let them go,
Maybe over time it might get easier.


Astro Feel

What if we allowed the waves of grief to engulf us,
Riding the waves of,
And love?

The bearer wants you to see the truth.
To see that glimmer of hope that lies deep beneath you.
The piece that keeps you going.
Even when you want to give up,
To shout that the pains of the world have won.

But knowing thyself,
Admitting that the pain is real,
And unbearable,
Is the part that heals.

Perhaps it’s hanging on out of spite,
Maybe it’s hanging on because,
You don’t hate life,
You just hate the way it’s been set up for you.

So let it flow,
Let it go,
Begin again.
Let intense passion reignite.
Like an arrow ripping through,
Or a lion in the middle of a fight.
Begin anew.