• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 12
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Olecranon, patella patch –
as if herbaceous border blooms –
a Greenman from some Inca tribe,
the Tree of Life out on a limb?
With cuttings from the flower spray,
both supple and disjointed flail,
a one-man band from pointy toes
to stripes, the deck chair laid to rest.

A clown around without big top,
pair pantaloons from circus tent,
blue fingers for the garden plot,
a whitewash field, vanishing point.
Solutions patchy, not joined up,
some standout heroes, others slumped,
the ringmasters on other shows
as ice packs melt, though poles apart.

New primitive seen on the block
with sprouts erupting from the flesh –
phloem, xylem vessels flow throughout –
creative juices on the loose.
So limber up, skirt subject bout,
last chance saloon, holistic world,
Eve, Adam, Eden, integrate,
but how to wake, to animate?