- Vol. 07
- Chapter 09

I was born one hundred years ago
But my breath lives on
Whispering down your spine
Tickling your bones.
It takes me two seconds
To prick my finger on a briar
Watch the blood swell
To match the color of the flowers
And revel in life.
My passions live on
In the corners of your eyes
Where your dreams sleep
Dancing with old dreams of mine.
The dust may be vibrant
On gilded frames of my smile
But I still feel the days
When you meet my gaze and I
Move you to wear my clogs.
Paint them with rainbows
Dipped in the desires
Of your azure heart.
I was born one hundred years ago
But my breath lives on
Because you were born today
And too many peopleForget to craft their own shoes
Forget to follow their own paths.