- Vol. 02
- Chapter 12

An Undiscovered ‘Inns’
"It's become a kind of idol." The Guardian"As comfortable as a donkeys knell, and indubitably as morose." Edith Whitcliff, 'On Borrowed Time'
"Kinda like Trump meets Tracy Emin..." Solstice News
"A Masterpiece, a cut above Jeff Otto O'Brien's 'Untidy Room'" Punch and Judy Times
"People will muse on it for hours, oh the stories it will tell..." George Timbly, 'Shoken Down'
"Beautiful, disturbing, post-solar piece." Wyatt Gallery, London
"Determined, arched light - the lone bear in the dilapidated zoo." Seamus O'Murphy, 'Tundra on the Rocks'
"Apex of observance that's trusted more than politics..." Lionel Fromsver, great, great, great, great cousin of the late E. Chambré Hardman.
“Superb! Superb! His vision of post solar is ravaged in truth and bare honesty, the chair as brutal as a hangman’s noose.” Los Angeles Times
An undiscovered 'Inns' was found at the back of a wardrobe of a house in Hunters Lane, (a known place where Alastair Inns, the last man to see sunlight, known to photograph and paint light among wreckage) took his holidays after the 2nd World War.
The photograph has been donated to the South London Gallery. Many are calling it a tribute to ‘global’ humanity - a title once reserved for Humphrey Bell’s shocking masterpiece ‘Silicon Leylines’. It will be on display for three weeks alongside Samuel Tnindo’s Collection (200 years on) and Lucy Belmonte’s Third Collection (Lies). *First Floor Galleries, Free Admission.
An Undiscovered ‘Inns’
Alastair Inns (1939-1991) ‘Object in the Room’ series,
(25 pieces).
*(Visitors are reminded that Sky Spaces are limited, please park 5 high and observe crossover lines with manual flights on Route 10, all space pilots have priority).