• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 02
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Afrorealist: In black and white and blue

Afrocentric, arms folded, paper head wrapped
On paper with pen, when I saw you I clapped
Applauded the tenacity of your pen work
A labour of love which made my senses perk

The deliciousness of the message it brings
Fills me with joy, elation and as my heart sings
I feel myself growing with pride, standing taller
Disregard those who want me to feel smaller

Them: unsettled as they can't look me in the eye
Me: Exposing the biased news and those that lie
Refuse to be objectified by their gaze
Hold my ground, proud, do not let their actions faze

On the shoulders of my ancestors, tall, I stand
Pan African, Afrorealist, in command
On the ball, on point, in black and white and blue
June Fest head dressed, the real deal, not a preview.