- Vol. 01
- Chapter 12

Repeat these affirmations when you wake up in the morning and again at night when you are falling asleep.
Breathe in rest breathe out fear.
I have been given a blue tide of solitude.
I am deserving of this.
Breathe in grey breathe out bright red.
A white energy touches my bones.
Today and tomorrow my happiness is a woollen cloak.
Coarse rocks are not obstacles underfoot.
Jagged anger is washed away by thoughts.
I acknowledge every surface of myself.
The positive is lava burning the past.
I meet peace in brown rock and blind clouds.
I am grateful for the cold of the horizon.
My future wraps softly around me.
My mind is a snowy mountain.
Breathe in salt water breathe out salt water.
Through these difficult times dreams manifest.