• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 10
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A Whirlwind Romance

If anyone deserved a break she did. Descending on a sheltered cove she settled between the slopes of the lush hilltops. The sky was a glorious blue, the sea its mirror image; the clouds but wisps of breath. Calm enveloped her as she absorbed the rays of the sun. After all her tearing around it was exactly what was needed. Lately, life had been nothing but a whirlwind.

That's when she saw him below her on the beach, emerging from the water, footsteps imprinting in sand. His dark wet hair shimmered in the sunlight. Drips of water glistened as they trickled over his torso. She followed their undulating journey, impressed by his tanned physique.

For days she watched from afar, longing to ruffle his hair and caress his skin; to wrap herself around him. She caught him looking in her direction, but he didn't see her. Of course he can't see me, she thought, I'm invisible. She huffed in disappoint, knocking over a bag. What she needed was something to catch his eye.

The Gods listened. A lipstick rolled out; coral, her favoured shade. She followed him to the waters edge; watched him from the quay. She’d caught him in time. He was sailing away from her. Their paths might never cross again. It was now or never. Mouth shaped in an O, she applied the lipstick before puckering her lips. She blew him a kiss across the ocean.

Sand swirled. Waves foamed and frothed, scattering spray into the air. The sky darkened as heavy clouds rolled in, masking the sun. He glanced up and caught sight of her coral lips. Their eyes met at last. He smiled. The yacht began to sway in the turbulent waters. Horrified, she watched it capsize.