• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 05

A Visit From Grandma

“Take my hand sweetie, I’ll take you from here.”
“Why are you, invisible grandma? I can only see your hand.”
“I’m not invisible, Gemma, you just can’t see me fully yet. Don’t be afraid. You’re safe now.”
“Okay, grandma,” I murmured taking her familiar hand in mine.
It felt the same as it always did. Warm and soft.
“Where did you go, grandma? Mom said you went to live with the angels. Am I going to live with the angels now too?”
“I’m not sure dear, they’re doing everything they can to save you.”
“Hmmm. How come I’m here with you then?”
“Your body shut down, Gemma. The pain was too great.”
I thought about it for a minute. “Grandma, where’s mom and dad? Are they here too?”
“No sweetheart.”
I started to cry. “Why would they leave me alone?”
“You’re not alone, Gemma. I’m here.”
“But, I can’t see you. All I can see is your hand. Everything else is blurry. I’m scared, grandma.”
“Shush now dear. It won’t be long now. Take my hand, Gemma. We’re nearly there.”
I gripped her hand tightly as my sobs subsided. I didn’t want to be parted from my parents. I didn’t want to be alone.
“Grandma, where’s Timmy?”
Her grip tightened. “Too many questions Gemma. Try to relax and breath. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“But, Timmy,” I said as his little face popped into my head.
That’s when I remembered.

A Visit From Grandma

That’s when I realized what happened. Giggles and excitement, that’s how my morning had started. A day trip to the beach, just the four of us. We counted cars Timmy and I. I badgered Dad to turn up the radio so we could sing along. I kept nagging until he did it. I didn’t like the station dad has chosen so I pestered him to change it. I wanted pop music not country and western. Dad had sighed as he reached down to change the station. Dad didn’t see the truck coming towards us. I remembered the sound of metal crunching, Timmy’s screams, and my dad’s horrified expression. It was all my fault.
I pulled my hand away from my grandmas. “Are they dead?” I sobbed.
Grandma stopped. She didn’t say anything.
“Grandma,” I whispered.
“Shush dear. It’s okay. It’s almost time. Take my hand now. We’re nearly there.”
I didn’t want to take her hand. I was afraid. Where was she taking me? “I want my mom and dad,” I cried.
“I know you do sweetie. You’ll see them soon. I promise.”
Her voice was soft and comforting and in that moment I relaxed. I felt a breeze flutter by and the smell of cotton candy filled the air.
“Are we going to the fair grandma? I love the fair.”
“Yes dear. We’re going to visit all your favorite places while your body gets better. Just you and me.”
“I love you, grandma.”
“I love you too Gemma. Now let's have some fun before you wake up.”