• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 09

A Seed Of Friendship

What did you say you’re looking for?
Nowhere. Or somewhere.
Is that in town? Some new tourist attraction?
I doubt it’s in town. This traffic is impossible.
That’s one word for it. And the roadworks? Just be grateful it isn’t rush hour. So, tell me what happens at this place you’re trying to find. How do you spell it? My hearing isn’t the best these days.
It’s a relaxing but inspiring landscape where a person can reconnect with what matters.
Oh, like a park. Yes, there’s a little one four blocks that way. Or, there’s the Manor House, which is further but worth the trip. That’s a magnificent old building and they do lovely tea and cakes inside. The grounds are formal, like designed, you know. It’s all very pleasant and you can enjoy long vistas looking out. It’s on the edge of town. Just turn right ahead and keep going more-or-less straight through the city for several miles.
Hmm. I don’t think that’s quite what I’m seeking.
Yoga. You look like a person who might enjoy yoga. We happen to have this very intense Buddhist monk who’s set up a sort of retreat in the suburbs. He has piercing eyes – sort of a seeing-right-through-you look about him but that’s how monks are, aren’t they? Very committed and perceptive. I personally find him a bit unnerving but he’s calm and people do say that his classes are peaceful and relaxing. If you turn around and head out of town, it’s signposted that way. And, you know, with this rain today, that might be best. I think it’s indoors, in a nice hot room with tranquil music. That’s how my friend Rosa describes it. She’s a regular.
Is there somewhere I could be alone?
Oh. Uhmm. Well, that could be a challenge in this city. Do you want to drive out to the countryside?
I don’t have time. I’ve a meeting in two hours but I need somewhere quick to go now, somewhere to clear my head.


A Seed Of Friendship

Ah. I know just the spot. There’s a big laundromat one block over that way. Parking garage right next to it. Walk all the way to the back where you’ll be surrounded on three sides by the machines, probably all busy mid-cycle. Sometimes I love sitting there, eyes half-closed, thinking about how everybody’s filthy doings are being washed away around me, the reassuring thumps and whirrs as secrets and promises get laid bare and diluted. I always come away from that laundromat feeling like I’m about to embark on a fresh start.
Perfect. Thank you so much.
In fact, I could do with some of the same right now, to be honest.
Hop in. Let’s go there together.