• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 07
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A kiln (/kɪln/ or /kɪl/, originally pronounced “kill”, with the “n” silent)

It was her kitchen; well she liked to think it was
where she could glaze her days away.
Pretend it was a studio. A clay pot could hold a roast
and two veg. A roast and two veg could be warmed
at high heat in a kiln. A kiln could be a ‘thermally insulated
chamber, a type of oven, that produces temperatures
sufficient to complete some process, such as hardening,
drying, or chemical changes’. Changes that could take
the dissonance out of kitchen / studio / studio kitchen / cook /
potter / potter wife / mother / other / as in another language
any other language, languages. As in this kitchen she calls
studio. As in this studio she calls kitchen, where she can
glaze the days away / a roasted pot, two veg.

Title and quote taken from ‘Kiln- Wikipedia’.